Ken’s accomplishments include:
Winning increased funding for the Department of Energy Clean Cities Program and creating new opportunities for the nation’s 85 Clean Cities coalitions;
Launching and managing the Climate Communities Coalition, a network of more than 500 local governments, which helped obtain billions in federal funding for local government energy efficiency and renewable energy projects;
Assisting clients in obtaining more than $500 million in federal funding for infrastructure, environmental cleanup, demonstration projects, and other client priorities;
Lobbying for and helping to craft portions of the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act, signed by President Bush in 2002;
Assisting a chemical company in winning the U.S. EPA Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award as part of a multi-faceted strategy that helped its product become the market leader;
Assisting a Fortune 500 company in obtaining the first Green Seal certification for environmental technologies in its class;
Assisting two cities in winning designation as Brownfields Showcase Communities selected by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in cooperation with 20 other federal agencies;
Serving as Executive Director of the National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals (NALGEP), where he tripled the organization’s membership and built it into an effective voice for city and county environmental managers.
Ken is the co-author of Unlocking Brownfields: Keys to Community Revitalization; Smart Growth is Smart Business; Profiles of Business Leadership on Smart Growth; and Building a Brownfields Partnership from the Ground Up: Local Government Views on the Value and Promise of National Brownfields Initiatives.