Case Study: Making the business case for clean energy
Environmental Defense Fund
The Challenge
When environmental groups rallied behind proposed legislation that would create a nationwide cap-and-trade system, EDF wanted to bring the voice of small business into the debate. The organization launched Less Carbon, More Jobs to highlight the job-creation and economic benefits of reducing carbon pollution. EDF asked AKB to help them engage clean energy business owners to speak out in the media and on Capitol Hill.
Our Work
Armed with a spreadsheet of small solar and wind power businesses, we began dialing and didn’t stop until we had identified more than a dozen motivated business owners in target states and legislative districts. We interviewed each business owner to capture their stories and from there, we crafted and pitched op-eds and wrote business profiles for EDF to share with legislative offices. We prepared the new advocates to come to Washington for a Capitol Hill lobby day and to talk to the media. For many this was a new experience.
The Results
Twenty clean energy business owners participated in a Capitol Hill fly-in, energized and eager to talk with the media as well as with their legislators. We had successfully placed op-eds by eight of these individuals in their swing legislative districts, which added value to their Hill meetings. During and after the fly-in, we placed more than a dozen radio interviews and local print stories featuring business owners’ perspectives on why a cap-and-trade system would be good for the U.S. economy and jobs, not just the environment.